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Handcrafted Healing Crystal Jewelry

Positively Me Boutique is a unique online platform offering products of empowerment, inspiration, and hope in beautiful handmade jewelry.

Keep your Body and Mind Positive with Varieties of Positive Energy Jewelries

Life is difficult enough, while not all the fuss and frills of maintaining with fancy trends. Adorn yourself with Positive Energy Jewelry by keeping it simple and letting yourself shine. Since earlier period, varied stones and symbols have command sacred beliefs once it involves love, luck, happiness and therefore the battles of existence.

Lotus Necklace

Signs of Positivity with Metals, Symbols and Stones:

From little river rocks to the monoliths wont to create Stonehenge, gemstones have command desiring to humans as “the bones of the Earth.” Every folks features a birthstone or a favorite crystal that holds powerful value that means as each culture assigns meaning to explicit stones as amulets, talismans or lucky stones.

The metals that compose your jewelry hold powerful values, too. In several cultures, alchemists believed that each part had a physical illustration and a philosophical meaning. The elegant and beautiful Lotus Necklace and pendant that is available in variety of spiritual meanings. This is finely crafted with solid 14k gold in excellent polished finish. From the time that man might carve on stone, symbols began to carry a deeper meaning. From animistic faiths to polytheistic and monotheistic faiths, symbols have full-grown to carry an important and explicit desiring to people who lead religious lives.


Since ancient times, humans have adorned their body with beautiful jewelry that possesses deep meanings. Connections to animals, stones, metals and symbols prompt folks of ancient myths and their own personal stories. Adorn your mind, body and spirit with positivism with general jewelry selections that provides as reminders of your own journey.

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